Tuesday 7 September 2010

Diary - Dwarf Lotus 18/8 to 7/9

See the shaper side of the seeds? Got to make a hole from the hard coating so that the water may get into the seed.

Using knife to break it is kind of dangerous way. May get our hands injured or get the seeds inner creamy core injured. My friend WongFC told me, using sand paper is the best way to do it without harming any parties. Once the water get into the seed, the coat will be getting softer and the next day I can easily remove the coat completely. Now the seeds are just look like the lotus seeds we usually have in our QingTang. The sand paper is about RM1 per piece.

Once done, soak the seeds into clean water. I change the cloudy water to clean water about twice a day. Otherwise, the seeds will be spoilt in the cloudy and smelly water.

About 6 days later, the first leave is about 6 inches tall.

I am having about 5 leaves for each plant. The plants are very much more stronger and the tube is expanding. I think it's time I go pasar and get the vegetable seller gives me some clay taken down from the lotus tube.